SEO DONE RIGHT- review Bartosz Góralewicz training


How to implement campaigns for marketing in Google – everyone (or almost everyone) who works in the SEO industry is looking fo a ready-made recipe for this. The Wroclaw SEO DONE RIGHT training organized on 10th July by Elephate was an opportunity to learn the answer to this question.

The price (quite high by Polish standards) was perhaps not an encouraging factor but the desire to learn effective strategies enabling to gain better visibility and “monstrous conversions”, as well as the promise of being provided with specifics only has done its job.


Five speakers connected with Elephate were supposed to lead the training (Bartosz Góralewicz, Wojtek Mazur, Łukasz Trześniewski, Anastasia Procner, Łukasz Rogala) and the subjects it was supposed to cover were e.g.:

  • building a SEO strategy,
  • page optimization in 2014,
  • Google Penguin and Google Panda,
  • competition analysis,
  • effective methods of obtaining links.
  • customer acquisition and image building

The training took place in Wroclaw – the Aquarius hotel. I have no objections to the place or the whole organization. As for the training itself, I did not expect anything fancy. This was not my first participation in such event, so it was hard to surprise me with anything. I reminded myself of last year’s training when I was in California at the optimization guru Bruce Clay’s – especially the guru in the field of optimization and tools used in it.


My attention was particularly drawn to the lectures by Bartek Góralewicz, Wojtek Mazur and Anastasia Procner. The whole training has brought considerable merit, you could write down some interesting tips and solutions.

If anyone expected to get a ready-made recipe for success in the search engine, they could have been disappointed. The more that the speakers presented their example solutions used in the West which the companies in Poland often can’t afford. Hence, their services/tools are not adjusted to the Polish realities (particularly in terms of use and costs).

What was not enough?

It is difficult to objectively assess this training, because in reality each participant had probably different expectations and a different attitude when coming to Wroclaw. The subject and the information provided were not really surprising for me, because I had already experienced SEO actions on the Western market observing SEO industries on their websites, blogs and forums.

However, I have some reservations:

  • too little “live” examples and applications in case of each of the speakers – there were some but I expected something more (I guess it was due to, among others, signed NDA, which is a limitation – not everything could be shown and taught about)
  • not enough clear and concrete ways to exit and bypass the Penguin, for example description of a case study about building and differentiating external links
  • I missed an overview on disavow file/link selection and process of removing links with the successive negative RR from Google – I was rather hoping that Bartek would tell a way to draw it out of the domain filter without cutting everything away from the profile, working on larger customers using LD. I thought that as a certified Cemper “soldier” he would tell us something more in terms of chumming up to people to erase links.
  • only a few examples of developing content within large sites, and they say content is king ?
  • it lacked an overview of the indicators available on the market for assessing the links and their value,
  • there was little information about the organization of work with large companies (eg. sample documents, liability of the parties in practice),
  • it lacked valuation of examplary work and the range of responsibilities within the cooperation with the customer
  • In addition, I missed more graphic presentation of the sample flow of page rank within the page (there was only one slide). It would also be useful to restrict information about the basic implementation for the benefit of other interesting examples. What made an impression on me?
    Throughout the training there were also some interesting moments, for which the speakers can be praised. Looking at this completely subjectively, I consider as a pro:
  • the Panda” case study discussed by Bartek Góralewicz,
  • the way the link building process was described by Anastasia through content marketing with use of a so-called fake person (try to trust a woman now when they do such things ?)
  • the fact of creation of a Facebook group which gives access to support and mentoring of the trainers (we’ll see how it works in the future)


On the plus side I can also mention building relationships between the participants – not only during the after party. It probably was not my goal this time to get wasted together with the seos, although it is known that during such “after” meetings you can always get to know the “flavors” and trade “lamentations.” Participation in the after party also allowed to establish new contacts (after the training I had six Facebook invitations from people from the training that I totally don’t associate) and introducing “live” the ones who are “showy” on the Facebook SEO group.

What should this training look like in the future?

I generally give the SEO DONE RIGHT training a “B”. Nonetheless, it was worth the money, but I still think that the cost was quite excessive for Polish conditions.
In the future I would see it as a cyclical 8-hour workshop happening once a year, including case studies, using advanced tools for large sites/services, including visualization and flow of a page rank, etc. It would also be nice to take into account the “live” data e.g. GWT, Google Analytics or software for crawling large sites.
And most importantly – I would see such training at a much lower price, more tailored to the Polish market, because our customers pay us in zlotys rather than pounds, dollars or euros.

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