The Inbounder 2016 – Inbound Marketing Conference in southern Europe – Spain

Do you know where to go for conferences, training or workshops on internet marketing and related fields such as SEO, SEM, and Social Media? Of course, we can find such events in every country, including Poland, but obviously the popularity and level of substantive knowledge to be found at such events can be very different. For anyone even vaguely interested in these topics, it is not hard to guess that the United States and the United Kingdom pretty much have a monopoly on the most valuable conferences that are really worth attending – and I hope I don’t have to explain why. So as not to be too monotonous, though – England, USA, England – I’d like to encourage those interested in modern marketing to take a look at a conference taking place in southern Europe in sunny Valencia, The Inbounder Global Conference. Read more

Content Marketing training with Erica McGillivary of MOZ – BrightonSeo

SEO conference in England – BrightonSEO

If at 9 am in the morning I see a huge crowd of people pushing to the front door of the great concert building in the south of England, what could this mean?
Exactly – another SEO conference in Brighton is starting and again I decided not to miss this opportunity and take advantage of a full day of interesting lectures and – this is obvious – of some interesting training. This time it was the “Content Marketing Training Course“, because as we all know content is king. I’m already after the training and after the conference and I will report it in my good old-fashioned way, especially for those who could not reach. Read more

Content Strategy Day 1&2 with Nielsen Norman Group in London 2015

If you look through my blog carefully, you will see that most of the posts are about SEO, link building and content marketing. The last one is the most significant for me, following the rule “content is king”, and also because thanks to it I have what to work on. This time I went on the training that had been on my mind for a long time but I used to put it off – later on I will explain why. It is not about CM as in the SEOs understanding but in a more scientific way, starting from the basics, so it is the look at its fundamentals, tasks and the target groups. Read more

London “SEO Hat Trick” with Emarketeers and Jellyfish

Do you get sometimes when you wake up in the morning an immediate feeling of flow, whatever you call it, to do something that will improve your life? The best if it happened fast, was valuable and made you a fully satisfied man afterwards. Certainly you do, if sometimes it happens to me. New people, new contacts, new knowledge – one day I got up in the morning and I knew what I needed. This was the beginning of my one-week stay in the UK, during which I passed 3 different trainings. Read more

SMX Advanced Seattle 2015 – Local Search Advantage Workshop

This January when I was coming back from the US, from a training in Florida, I promised myself that I am giving up on visits to the United States. Mainly because of the terrible 14-hour journey, high costs of flight, getting around and life on the spot. However, as an old saying says – never say never, which I experienced very well as only half a year later after the SMX conference in London that was on a very high level, I got more and more into going on the subsequent editions of this series of trainings, this time in an advanced version. This way on June 1 I took the direction of the United States again, specifically Seattle, to take part in the conference (June 2-3) and Local Search Advantage Workshop training. To start with – it was awesome in the US ? Read more

Content Marketing training with Arnie Kuenn of Vertical Measures – SMX London 2015

Content Marketing is today one of the best channels to build brand-customer relationship that can be used on the Internet. It’s good to keep in mind that these are not just articles or more generally – the written word, but also infographics, video, webinars and a few other. We have to remember, however, that simply writing an admirable text does not make your small key cutting shop shoot straight to the top positions in Google. What you need is a strategy that you need to think about – and you could learn how to build it on the Content Marketing Workshop during the May SMX London 2015 conference. Which I of course attended 😉 Read more

Search Engine Academy vs Bruce Clay – SEO Training Market in the US

What happened a year ago in the United States in California?

In my posts I refer a lot to the Polish SEO reality compared with the foreign markets. This is not an empty prediction and comparison of some abstract things for me. I decided a long time ago that in order to implement high standards in my company, I need to take example from the best. So I decided to go for a month to California, where I had a chance to look at how it all works there. The training lasted for five days, so about 40 hours, the rest of the time I spent exploring the USA (it was worth it ;-)). It was a year ago. I didn’t have a blog back then and I didn’t write down my observations at the moment. To tell you the truth I didn’t wish to share my knowledge either, because such a trip costs several thousand zlotys. If I had to invest in myself, this knowledge should remain only for me. Today, my attitude has changed a bit and I can catch up with a few things, because there’s a chance. Read more

“Jon Cooper SEO PRO: Creative Link Building” training with Point Blank SEO

What happened on November 21st from 10 am to 6 pm in Dago Centre in Warsaw? Only the most positive thing – another training that I’ve attended. Some time may have passed since the event took place but because of a whole lot of work, I couldn’t write about it earlier. But I couldn’t also let go of this opportunity, so here it is.

The subject again concerned Link Building and its references to content marketing, in particular specific ways for creative strategies of building link databases. What distinguished this training? The speaker – Jon Cooper. Read more

Link Building in Czech – with Julie Joyce of

Today post will be devoted to (how so!) another training which I had the opportunity to participate in. Since I had once decided to use others’ knowledge, I’m going to continue doing it. The more that if you have a good look around and get oriented, you’ll see there are many chances to do it. Read more

Advanced Link Building training in the UK – at Branded3

Since the introduction of the new Google algorithms, especially Penguin 2.1, the industry of people involved in SEO has boiled. Devastation caused by this change can’t be compared with anything else. Two last years were the time which you recall with a headache and bad words on your lips – manual Google penalties for external links plunged many companies – we also felt the threat, but we are still here, we live on and develop further. And precisely for this reason the time came to check new opportunities. The Link Building training held in Brighton on September 12, 2014 was supposed to ensure them. Read more